
Life, Love, and Data

So, I met this new guy… *blush*grin*

The road to love and dating hell is paved with all kinds of good intentions from people who have no business giving their two cents.

Only take advice from friends who can truly share in your happiness without competition or jealousy and those who are in a happy healthy relationship or at least are trying to achieve one.

But from negative, sad and hilariously pessimistic friends, avoid taking it, or you may find yourself with much more time to spend with that friend since you won’t be dating anyone!

You should be your best advisor, you don’t need to call up your bestie after each date and give her a blow by blow. You don’t owe your co-worker or anyone else who will listen a weekly status report.

The road to dating and love hell is paved with good intentions, particularly those of your friends and family. You are grownup now, not a 16-year-old  who needs friends and family to approve of whom you date or whom you love.

Your family and friends love you and want to see you happy. But you are the one who wants it most of all. So check in with yourself first and then be discriminating with who you set up for the next round of input. Pay attention to how your friends and family try to support and advise you. Make sure their selfish or uninformed advice isn’t masquerading as good intentions.

The feelings around romance and love can be fragile and, if you allow it, can get very complicated. I advise that you proceed with some caution when it comes to baring your soul about your dates or relationship.

Be selective with whom you choose to support you with big life decisions.

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This entry was posted on March 22, 2014 by in HOVASABEE TRUE STORY.